Meet the IDEEUH team.
With a variety of experiences and an even more eclectic grouping of interests, we come up with some crazy ideeuhs… but what else would you expect?

Emily Houck
Co-Founder, Creative Director
Grand Canyon University – Entrepreneurial Studies with a Social Media Minor
Soccer midfielder, former beauty queen, track star, entrepreneur, and moderate control freak. But, she does come up with most of the scene ideas that make it to final production, so…

Dillon Houck
Co-Founder, Production Director
University of Montana – Business Major with a TV and Film Minor
A car enthusiast, lover of thrift shopping, vinyl addict, former pole vaulter, and outdoor explorer. Also, the person that makes the audio sound amazing and match the animation. The tech guy.

Chad Houck
Mentor, Sales & Project Manager
A walking contact list and our business mentor – Chad has really done everything (from teaching mobile STEM lessons off a tour bus at elementary schools to 8 years working at the Idaho Capitol) A former Chief Deputy Secretary of State, he also has a Master in Homeland Security… so he can teach us young bucks a few things…

Office Mascot
Our nine-year-old chocolate lab basically lays at our feet and reminds us that everything will be ok – regardless of deadlines.

In Memorium
This Eleven-year-old golden retriever only retrieved one thing – your burrito from your plate – and then never gave it back. Like you’d want it, but still…

and YOU!
The Main Ingredient
You’ve got lemons, and we’ve got the secret lemonade recipe. Without you on the team, none of this work has meaning. And, of course, there is nobody to pick up the bill at the end of the day either. So there’s that.